Why is it important for your company to have a website?

With the emergence of digital marketplaces, social media, delivery apps, and other platforms, many entrepreneurs wonder why having a website is essential. In this post, I will present the advantages and benefits of having your website and what it can add to you and your business.

Importance of a Website

Here are five reasons why having a professional website is important:

  1. To be seen
  2. Credibility
  3. Expand your business
  4. Available 24/7

To be seen

Do you know that saying “out of sight, out of mind”? On the internet, this saying makes a lot of sense. Even if your physical business has the best customer service and works with excellent products, what difference will it make if nobody can find you? Google is the most used search engine today, and approximately more than half of the world’s population uses the internet daily. So, having a website is the simplest and most strategic way to be found online. To be seen by these search engines, it is necessary to consider that your site needs to be optimized, have good performance, be adaptable for various devices, and have good SEO (Search Engine Optimization).


A website transmits credibility and trust. Suppose your company does not have a website for potential customers to see what you offer. In that case, it may be assumed that your business is amateur, does not convey confidence, and can transmit a negative reputation. An attractive website that shows customers what they are looking for, with images, descriptions, and information about your business, will generate greater credibility.

Expand your business

Be found, increase your reach, and expand your business. Do you know any big brand that doesn’t have a website? All well-known brands have a website. Every entrepreneur wants to expand their business, and for this to happen, you must be found online so that customers can reach you. Being found is the first step in converting a lead into a customer.

Available 24/7

While your establishment is open during business hours, your website works 24/7, every day of the week, without exceptions. That means you can make money even when you are sleeping or resting on a holiday. An online presence allows people to make inquiries and even purchases anytime from the convenience of their own homes.



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